Sunday, May 10, 2015

The One Battle You Should Stop Fighting as a Teacher

“Sit down in your chair.”

We’ve all said it, but why??  Is it really necessary that students sit in a traditional desk and chair all day long??  On second thought, forget necessary… is it best practice?

I’d argue unequivocally NO!  

Students need a comfortable learning environment and providing students with the opportunity to choose where they sit allows students to have some control over the way that they learn best.  This year, we’ve experimented with alternative seating options and it’s been very positive for all involved!  This is easy to do and can be done in classrooms with tables or traditional desks, so stop fighting your students’ wiggles and give your students the choice about where and how they learn best!

Let’s take a tour of our different seating options.  

Students LOVE the FLOOR TABLE, which is lowered close to the ground so that students can kneel, sit on cushions and stools while learning.  The cushions were donated by a few of our class parents.  When students don’t need to write on the table, we often see them laying next to it reading or completing computer assignments.  I may need to add another low table soon since so many students enjoyed learning here.

We all have those students who LOVE to shimmy and shake all day long!  These next two table options are for them!

The STANDING TABLE was raised so that students can comfortably stand and lean against the table while working.  This is a favorite with about 5 students.  While my original intention was for this table to only be for standing, the students requested chairs, so I was able to get a few larger chairs allowing students to sit comfortably when they wanted.

HOKKI STOOLS are simply AMAZING!! I wanted some seating that allowed students to move and wiggle without being a complete distraction to others around them.  I considered exercise balls, but they seemed bulky and I didn’t want to lose a lot of floor space or have kids rolling off the balls.  Hokki Stools are the perfect solution!  Students are able to rock and wiggle in their seats while completing work.   

I was able to get six Hokki Stools for my classroom through the website  It took a lot of hustling to raise the money, but thanks to some community support, a few family and friends, and several  anonymous donations, we were able to get our project funded.

Some students prefer a more traditional spot to complete their work, so we have two Traditional Tables in our classroom.  Even at these tables, our students don’t have to sit, they always have the option to stand at the table or grab a clipboard and work on the floor.

These LAP DESKS are great!  I got them from a teacher who was cleaning and getting rid of them.  She couldn’t believe how excited I was when she gave them to me, but I had a vision of how they could fit in with our alternative seating choices.  

Here’s a few tips to help you transform your learning space:

  • Start with what you have.  The end of the year is just around the corner.  This means that teachers will start cleaning and getting rid of things they don’t want anymore.  Take a walk around the school or send an email out to see if anyone’s giving away something you could use.
  • Make friends with your school custodians!!  If you’re extra friendly, they’ll help you adjust the height of your tables.
  • Make your expectations clear to students.  They need to know exactly how they will choose their seats.  Will you allow them to choose daily, weekly, or let them change depending on the activities?

There are a ton of other alternative seating options.  I’m looking to add a few more next year!  

  • Other Alternative Seating Options
  • Wiggle Seats
  • Bicycle Pedals
  • Bean Bag Chairs - I’m dying to get a few of these for my classroom!!
  • Exercise Balls
  • Floor Mats
  • Crate Seats
  • Couches and Small Chairs - IKEA is a great place to find small and functional furniture for the classroom.